Dear Janani,
I am overjoyed to inform you that I am pregnant by the grace of Amman.
My husband and I completed our 40 days last week but we continued the ghee prasadam till my beta HCG report came positive yesterday.
My joy is doubled because the doctor senses that I may be expecting twins. I have my first sonography next Monday after which it will be confirmed whether it is a single pregnancy or twins.
I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us and for other couples like us.
I continue to pray to Amman for a safe and happy pregnancy.
May I request you to let me know the process for another pooja to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery?
May God bless you! I will always be indebted to you for all your help.
In case you want to use my mail as a testimonial for your website, please feel free to do so but please change my name in it.
Warm Regards
A Devotee from Gujarat
I am really sad
My daughter had 2 frozen egg transfers done
No luck
Trying now for 8 yrs
Plzzzzzz can someone help
I am from south africa
Ma’am,details of puja has been sent by e-mail
Kindly email me the pooja details
Kindly please Gmail the pooja details for conceiving.
Hello everybody,
This is prema , i married since 5 years , not yet conceived . I’m worried about our future. Please pray for us to give birth to healthy baby
Dear Prema
Amman is always there with her devotees. Continue to have faith in Amman you will soon be blessed with a healthy and beautiful child.