Oil Prasadam for Safe Pregnancy

Rs 1500 (For Devotees In India)
$51 (For Devotees Outside India)

Oil prasadam for safe pregnancy



Procedure to use oil prasadam:

The prasadam given is castor oil that has been placed at the feet of the Goddess. This castor oil has been charged with mantras and has to be applied in small quantities over the abdomen every day. It can be applied after a bath.

The castor oil has to be applied to the abdomen when labour pains start. However these days most people obtain the prasadam as early as the third month of pregnancy while some women start in the 7th month. Women should apply a little quantity over the uterus every day. This can be applied after a bath.

I personally started using the prasadam from the first day I found out about the pregnancy (very early in the first trimester.)

When you start using the prasadam is really up to you as an individual.

There are no food restrictions while taking prasadam. The woman can continue taking non-vegetarian food.

During the period of pregnancy, it is good if the women can recite the mantras listed here. If time permits the mantras can be chanted 108 times after morning or evening puja. If there is insufficient time then please chant as many times as is possible for you.

Audio slokas for download are available here. These audio slokas and songs are very powerful with excellent vibrations for your unborn child.

Please note that there are no other rules for chanting mantras. Please chant as you would chant any other mantra/sloka in the presence of Amman’s photo or keep Amman’s thoughts in your mind.

You can read testimonials of people who have taken oil prasadam here