Devotee from Mauritius

Greetings from Mauritius.

My husband and I have been married for 14 years and we’ve been trying to conceive.

We are not loosing hope and by divine intervention I came across Garbarakshambigai songs which I’ve started listening on youtube. My husband then dreamt that he ate butter and woke up telling me how strange it was without knowing I was listening to the devotional songs.

I was really keen to learn more about Garbarakshambigai and got your website while browsing. We are trying treatments with age being  also a factor I’ll be 40 soon …however I firmly believe that Divine blessing and faith will bring us our little miracle.

Please as per the instructions on the website I made a payment with our details, I shall be grateful if you could do the prayers on our behalf and send the Prasad with further details of what we should be doing.  I have faith that we will be blessed by the mother gracing us our miracle healthy baby.

Thank you

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