28th November 2012
Thank you very much for ur kind mail. I am extremely happy that u had arranged pooja for me in the temple and sending me prasadam on 29th. Ur services to the mankind is superb ! No words to express my gratitude Janani. As per ur last mail, i WILL not fail to pray for u in my prayers to Shiridi Sai and my favourite God Lord Venkateshwara of Tirupathi… Now, i have taken u too as one of my family members and during my next visit to Bangalore, definitely, i want to meet u, it is my desire. Vidya told me that as per ur mail, her prasadam has already been despatched on 20th. We are eagerly waiting to receive it. As per the time u have mentioned, Vidya’s prasadam will reach us by 11th or 12th dec, and mine will be by 20th or 21st Dec, i have taken the max. time of 3 weeks from the dt.of despatching from ur end. I am very confident that without any problem, our prasadams will come to us by Goddess blessings and grace.
Janani, for me which is the prasadam being sent. U have not mentioned in ur mail. As soon as we get the prasadam, i will let u know thro mail. Once again, thanks a lot for ur selfless, super services that u are doing. May Goddess and Lord bless u with all happiness, good health and wealth in ur life.